Mounted on the walls in key areas, the display shows all alarms sorted by priority and time.
The i3 display uses monitored ip wired and wireless technology. Utilising this technology means that no message can be missed by a display and that if there is an issue it is raised to you so that it can be fixed. Had a new extension built? Remote displays can be installed and connected to the existing network allowing you to receive calls with no worries about range.
Knowing exactly where an alarm is, the priority and who is needing help are most important factors to any nursecall system. Unfortunately most systems fail to give you this basic information. The i3 wireless display will show you all of these. Paired with a location pendant or pager the display will update the users location as they move around the building. So you can track down and help faster.
All of your nursecall & maintenance data is stored onboard every display but if you need access to this data at home or at head office each display is Kloud ready. The Kloud will allow you to manage multiple sites data from anywhere in the world.
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